Team News

A chance to learn video skills on the job

July 8, 2024

Paul Johnson
Paul Johnson

Writer & Digital Content Coordinator

Donovan Snider had a chance to put his video production and editing skills to good use during his recently completed six-month internship with Turell Group and learned a lot in the process.

“It’s been so rich, so good,” he says. “It was fun and eye opening. As someone who loves to learn, it’s been really fulfilling and satisfying.”

From January to June 2024, Donovan worked alongside our video team—Michael, Jacob, Kate and Kelli—in planning and crafting videos for our clients, as well as our own social media.

Donovan joined TG as part of the State of Oregon Snap Training and Employment Program (STEP). This WorkSource Oregon on-the-job training program aims to expand diversity in employment, increase apprenticeships and provide resources for jobs, while offering participants training, skills and experience in a professional environment.

As a program participant, Donovan learned all he could about video production, so that he can continue to pursue his passion and gain long-term employment in his chosen field. He has appreciated the opportunity to work with our team, he says, and it’s been great having him with us.

Donovan is a graduate of Gutenberg College. His next steps are pursuing freelance jobs in video, photo, design, music composition, acting and modeling (he even appeared in one of our client videos!). His ambition is to combine his passions and compose music for film.

Check out some of Donovan’s work, below. He will continue to do some freelancing for us, and we wish him the best on all of his great next adventures!

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