
Now showing: Our home page sizzle reel!

June 28, 2024

Paul Johnson
Paul Johnson

Writer & Digital Content Coordinator

It’s always a good idea to offer new content on your website to keep people coming back for more. Any marketing agency will tell you how easy it is to let your own website slide when you’re in the throes of working on a client’s website. So, we’re feeling pretty accomplished to have recently created a new sizzle reel for our homepage to highlight the many services we offer at Turell Group.

The process began with a series of meetings in which team members threw out ideas for imagery, look and feel, says Senior Videographer Michael Angier, who served as the editor on the project. He drew on many great examples of work we’ve produced for clients in recent years. Then he incorporated music and graphics to reflect the fast-paced vibe we were going for.

“It’s always an exciting process, getting to update our web or social presence to show off our most recent work,” Michael says. “The header video provides a snapshot of our changing and growing sensibilities as a creative agency.”

Sizzle reels tell a story in ways that gets viewers interested and excited about whatever you’re offering without providing too many details. Sizzle reels cover a lot of content quickly, but in a clear way. They are typically short, quick and can include narration (or not). Knowing your audience should inform the content and tone of any video you’re using to tell your brand story or promote your goods or services. If you’re interested in having us create a sizzle reel to show off whatever it is that you do, we’d love to hear from you.

From digital marketing, commercial video and photography, graphic design, web design, public relations and public affairs, Turell Group is a full-service creative agency that can serve your every need. Give our home page video a watch to see what we can do for you!

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